
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A name of various species of Agrostis, bent-grass, of Agropyrum repens, quitch-grass, of Alopecurus agrestis, foxtail, and perhaps of some other grasses.
  • noun The June-grass, or Kentucky blue-grass, Poa pratensis (see cut under Poa); also other species of the genus.
  • noun In New Zealand, a name of one or two plants of the umbelliferous genus Aciphylla: so called from their long grass-like leaflets, which have hard and sharp points.
  • noun In Australia, any one of several species of valuable forage grasses, namely, several species of the genus Stipa and Andropogon contortus. The seeds of these grasses are sharp and covered with fine barbs so that they easily become entangled in the wool of sheep and frequently penetrate the skin, often causing the death of the animal.


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